One of the biggest challenges {I think} of having a blog, business or anything that you personally create is having it in the public eye. It sounds quite odd for me to say that because why else would you have a blog or business?! Of course you want to market your company, but putting your whole heart and soul into something then basically letting it out into the world is scary! People will look at it. People will judge it. Heck people will be mean and everyone will have an opinion! Two things I promised myself when I started blogging was to always stay true to myself and have fun! Having a blog is my outlet to be creative and I am so passionate about it. That is what is so amazing about blogs, small businesses, entrepreneurs etc. Everyone is unique and creative in his or her own way. Anyways, basically this whole thought occurred to me when I received this inspiring tee from Lola & Darla Designs. Always Sparkle. No matter what anyone has to say or think never let anyone dull your shine, be yourself + ALWAYS SPARKLE.

I just ordered those pants to wear for NYE ! They look so comfy ! So excited to wear them, Looks good with the t-shirt !