Thanksgiving break has almost come to an end. I can't believe how this year has flown by already! With Christmas decorations going up today it's bound to feel warm and cozy! ( I'll put pictures of my room all Christmas-y later). Here was the break down of my weekend + Wednesday.
Wednesday: 1 AND A HALF YEARS! I can't believe I have been with Jeffrey that long. I guess time flies when your having fun right? Well I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and best friend in the whole entire world. He is so patient and I admire that. We definitely balance each other out and I believe we are perfect for each other:) I wanted to do something special for him so I went to Michael's and picked up some leather bands and well kind of went a little craft crazy, but that will be for another post! All I did was take a dark brown strip of leather and attach a snap to the end and for a little added decoration, I put a little diamond stud right by the end of the bracelet. He loved it!
Thursday: I went to my Grandmas to eat the big turkey dinner, and then Jeff and I made our way over to his house for his Thanksgiving dinner. After we went out to the desert with Jake and Kylie and had a bon fire. Which, looking at our past fires we have had there, was perfect! The cold weather was finally here, so QT hot chocolate came in perfectly (along with some candy shhh..).

Friday: BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING! I have never been much of a black Friday shopper only because of the crowds of people that tend to annoy me. But I will admit, black Friday is like a shoppers paradise. Loads of sales to sort through is worth it when you end up finding a jewel. Here is what I purchased.
Cowboy boots: Last Chance - $39.99
Louis Vuitton clutch: Name Brand - $5.00jeweled clutch: Name Brand - $7.50
peacock feather earrings: Name Brand - $4.99leopard heart studs: Name Brand - $4.99
Love ring: Name Brand - $4.99
jeweled stud: BP Nordstroms - $5.00bird stud: BP Nordstroms - $10.00
"Jesus" bracelet: Metro Park - 2 for $10.00 (I bought Jeff a metal version of this one)
Then, exhausted by shopping, we went back to his house to watch my favorite show, Criminal Minds. Yes I'm obsessed. For dinner we grabbed Sushi and RA and Jeff left to head up north with Matt to meet Chris at his cabin. I went and caught up with Jenna and Brittney while they were in town and had a blast. Good memories with those two!♥
Saturday: I went to ballet and grabbed my Starbucks after like usual. I have been obsessed with coffee and hot tea lately. Something about drinking it in the winter is so comforting. Then my Mom and I went to see Ballet Etudes The Nutcracker. It was so good! My little cousin played a doll and she was so cute! It really made me miss performing and even pointe! (did I just say that?!..) I went to church then after Jeff, Chris, and Matt got home Rea and I met up with them and all went to The Summer Set concert. It was really good! I have just been getting obsessed with them recently and really wanted to go, then found out they were coming to AZ. Just my luck! I even bought a really cute baseball tee shirt too!

I have been slacking on posting my Examiner posts, but I still have been posting! So if you are interested in reading them then Mesa Shopping Examiner should get you there. But I will try to start linking them to my blog again.