This past weekend was a much needed one! Friday was Earth Day and Good Friday and I celebrated by laying out by the pool and going to Jeff's baseball game! FInally summer weather is coming (I'm going to regret that later) and laying out on a raft in the pool feels amazing! And good news. MY BOOK CAME! I'm so happy. I was actually having reading withdrawals. I'm. Not. KIDDING. Two of my best friends celebrated their birthdays the past two weeks. My family and Jeff went to church Friday night for Easter and out to eat! Saturday night Jeff, Sean (my brother) and I went to the Remix Car show where Jeremiah and MANN performed it was so much fun! On Sunday my whole family went to our usual breakfast/brunch at TC Eggington's, an amazing breakfast and lunch place that I only go to once a year. Its our tradition. I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. But no worries school is coming to an end which could not make me any more excited. Seriously. I was so stressed this weekend and yesterday thinking about all my projects I had to do. But I am proud to say that I finished my lab paper and am almost done with my pesky online computer class. WOO! BRING ON SUMMER♥