Thursday, April 16, 2015

BEAUTY// Be Beautiful

I have been using Enza products for over a year now and I am forever hooked. I seriously swear by these products and it is literally the only stuff I use on my face. If they made make up...I would buy it!!! I have never felt so strongly about a product before until using Enza. Enza not only makes your skin look beautiful with no make up on, it makes you feel beautiful with no make up on...that is a win in my book.

A couple months ago I started getting low on my Enza products. These new ones were in the mail so in the mean time I decided to use another product until my Enza came in...Let me tell you. I have never been more upset about my skin. I had little bumps on my face, not visible to the eye but I could feel them everywhere. I thought maybe I had horrible allergies or maybe a reaction to the other product I was using? I sometimes don't wear make up to work because I come straight from working out {or I'm lazy ha!} but I felt so self-concious without makeup on! Once my Enza came in, I kid you not, my skin INSTANTLY cleared up. it felt night and day different after washing my face and the next morning my skin was completely clear again. This is why I believe in this stuff people!

Visit Enza and get started on making your skin look and feel amazing!

 shirt Enza Essentials, small bar necklace Brooklyn Grace Jewelry, big bar necklace Bip + Bop

Thank you Enza for making me feel beautiful!! Have an awesome Thursday everyone :)


1 comment:

  1. You are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your love for Enza Essentials!
