Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Outfit Post: Here Comes The Sun

You guys will never guess where I got this shirt...Goodwill... and better yet for $5! I seriously couldn't believe it. It was perfect for today's #coasttocoastchallenge "Earth Tones".

pants Target, blouse Goodwill, boots Target, bag Brandy Melville, gold necklace & tooth necklace Evie J Boutique, sunnies Urban Outfitters, vintage floral cuff bracelet, Native Hearts ring & bracelets, vintage stone bracelet, Nordstrom bracelet

How gorgeous are those two necklaces I am wearing. When Evie J Boutique sent them to me I was thrilled! So many layering possibilities in the future with these bad boys:) If you guys want to get this hair style check out my reverse milk maid braid tutorial {here}. 



  1. love that blouse! Gotta make a stop to a goodwill soon! It's been way too long!


  2. 1. Continuing to love those braids!
    2. Even though I already have camo pants, I've had to pass these up at Target 3x - I am just drawn to them!
    3. You're fabulous, as always!

  3. two things: 1. that hair! (insert emoji with hearts for eyes) 2. great photographs..its the perfect light. and unaccounted for number 3. great find on that shirt! very free people

    fox + gypsy

  4. You look awesome Alyssa, per usual! Love that you got that top for $5!
