Monday, April 30, 2012

Beauty Bargain

Last week my aunt told me about elf's {Eyes Lips Face} new HD finishing power. Apparently, it is said to be the "dupe" {duplicate} of Make Up Forever's HD finishing powder. And since I consider myself a drugstore make up connoisseur, I can never pass up a good drugstore dupe! You can purchase it at Target for $6. So compared to Make Up Forever's version, for a pricey $32, you can't beat it! Since I don't wear a lot of make up, I love how it just smooths out my skin and blends all my make up together. I highly recommend it to any one.
I am going to release a new collection in my Etsy store this week. Possibly tomorrow? Stay tuned, I'm kind of obsessed with it:)



  1. Oh, nice! I'll have to try it out! I just love dupes lol. ;)

  2. Looks awesome! I'm a fan of all things ELF, so definitely on the to buy list whenever I amass enough items to get free shipping.

  3. Thank you guys!!:) And Aki! Yes anything for free shipping you can stock up on tons of fun stuff!!

