Friday, May 25, 2012

DIY: Dip Dyed Shorts

I have been wanting to do this DIY for the longest time and I finally did it today. Here are 13 easy steps for a cheap and chic refresher to your old jean shorts.
1. What you need: jean shorts, 3 buckets {depending on how many colors you want to use}, Rit dye {I am using teal, purple, and fuchsia}, wooden stir stick, hot water, clips
2. Fill 3 buckets with hot water
3. Stir dye into bucket
4. Wet jean shorts first to help dye soak in
5. For an ombre look, let shorts sit in Fuchsia dye for 5-10 minutes
6. Dip half of shorts in purple for 2 minutes then finish with just the bottom in the purple for as long as you want. The color should be darkest on the bottom.
For the second pair & third pair:
7. Dip the top of the shorts in the fuchsia dye
8. Finish by dipping the bottom of the shorts in the teal color. {overlap the colors to get a faded ombre look}
9. For the third pair I just used teal and dipped the whole pair in the teal for 2 minutes and continued until the bottom was darker teal.
10. Finished product
11. Wash and dry shorts all SEPARATELY. They will bleed.
12. This step is optional but I wanted to embellish this pair with silver pyramid studs {I will do the fushia and purple pair once my shipment of gold spikes/studs come in}
13. Finished studded and dyed shorts!

This whole DIY cost under $10. You seriously can not beat that! Stores sell these shorts online for up to $200 dollars...outrageous!! Such a fun summer DIY! Enjoy:)


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